REMOVE OLD ADMIN before adding payment method and running ad campaign. It's only your responsibility. Work safe like a pro.
If FB prompt you to
WAIT for 7 DAYS, you may
set 2-Factor-Authentication in the BM settings (Check procedure below) and add payment method then run ads as usual. Please remove old admin after 7 days.
❗️2️⃣ If
Facebook shows that the limit is $25 or $50, but you purchased a BM limit of $250, don't worry, the limit will increase to $250 after few payments in billing. This is a new fraud protection from Facebook.
We check all limits before selling. Buying in our store, you can be sure that you will get what you paid for.
❗️3️⃣ How to
save $250 limit on your BM after purchase:
- Don't change account currency (keep USD)
- Don't scale your ad campaigns too fast
- Facebook drops the limit if he don't like your ad materials (if you're promoting black-hat, most likely limit will be decreased)
- Usually, campaign starts spending $250 after you paid $50 threshold in billing
Format1st link ; 2nd link (as a backup)
Example screenshotTime for checking the goodsWe recommend you checking the goods immediately after purchase or within 24 hours to get a replacement in case of problems.
Replacement warranty● You have 2 days after the purchase to activate your BM. After 2 days there is no guarantee.
● If BM is blocked after publishing ads it's not a reason for replacement.
DeviceBest option for working with accounts is using non-detection browser:
Morelogin (15% off)
Proxy● Always use mobile or residential proxy:
Proxy6● Instead of Proxy you can use 4G mobile hotspot to share connection from phone to PC. But you always need to turn on airplane flight mode for 5 seconds before entering to the next account. Airplane flight mode will change your IP address. Never use VPN, Tor or IPv6 Proxy.
Activation● To activate Business Manager open the needed Facebook account, then open in the browser tab one of the links provided to you. Enter your name, password and follow the instructions
● Don't change any info inside the BM (name, email, and so on)